The pest control systems used within the preservation of the cultural heritage hang from the used of toxic gases (banned through years among all European countries) to physical methods. These physical methods are less harmful and generate a lower risk for operator’s and public health. No highly pollutant or dangerous chemical compound is used but the modification of physical parameters of conservation. Among these physical methods the most used are the temperature based methods (hot air and microwave). The risk associated with these method is the temperature the core of the building and objects may reach and mantain in order to be effective: these may interact with the materials and pigments, altering the characteristics of the treated works, generating moisture alteration and cracks.
When wood or paper have damage of this kind (see images below) we face a commonly called woodworm attack. The term woodworm comprises a wide range of insects for the general public because what you see on the surface is the appearance of a work and a development that sometimes started even 30 cm inside the wooden object.
In our thirty-year experience, we developed a physical method based on modified and controlled atmosphere which is safe and assures the total death of the pests inside a manufact.
The Airsystem method is safe and effective, it has non smell and in some cases it provides deodorization of the objects. Its safeness is for the operators in its use and for the enviroment becasue non hazardous chemical is used